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Horse healed of snake bite

Christian Science & the power of healing prayer


All of God's creatures, - a Mary Baker Eddy Quote

My husband and I own three horses, which we are blessed to have on our property.  One morning, while my husband was on a trip out of state, I went outside to feed the horses just before leaving for work.  As all three came galloping in for their meal, I noticed that the face of one of our horses was distorted. I was raised around horses, and I was not raised in Christian Science, so I was aware of a common belief that when a horse is bitten on its nose by a rattlesnake, there is little expectation that the horse will recover.

We do not have children, so this was my first experience of needing to stay home from work to care for my “child.”  I was grateful to have greeted the situation calmly and with every expectation of a healing.  I called a Christian Science practitioner friend who is also a horse person. Since I was aware that a tube is often inserted into a horse’s nostril to aid in breathing, and that a garden hose can be cut and used for this purpose, I was pleasantly surprised when the practitioner focused solely on the teachings of Christian Science. 

The practitioner gave me assurance that God was caring for the horse, that the rattlesnake had not intended any harm, and that, as indicated on page 514 of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy: “All of God's creatures, moving in the harmony of Science, are harmless, useful, indestructible.”  I was instructed to go ahead and feed all three horses, which I did. Just as the call to eat had not slowed him down, it was evident that any trouble he had in breathing did not stop him from eating. I sat on our front porch, reading the Bible Lesson for that week and praying.

A few hours after the horses had finished eating and returned to pasture, I spoke with a relative who expressed deep concern that the horse must drink water.  Although my prayers had given me assurance that the horse was cared for, I felt the need to comply with this relative’s concern by attempting to bring the horse in for water. After a time-consuming, laborious process of leading the horse in to water, it became evident that he would not drink anyway as all he wanted was to be back with the other horses! This experience proved to strengthen my trust in Christian Science, since my human footsteps were clearly of no benefit.

Within three days, the swelling had gone down, the horse was able to breathe freely, and there was no evidence of any after effects.  This healing occurred over five years ago.

Thousand Oaks, CA

Another Christian Science healing!

All healings shared are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing.


Healing resources
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Healing Textbook. People of all faiths have been healed by reading the healing textbook. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.  More  

Healers on Call.  You may call on Christian Science Practitioners for help. They devote their full time to helping others through prayer.  More

Testimonial Meetings.  You are invited to attend Wednesday evening meetings, which include testimonials of healing given by the congregation.  More