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Young adults

We are not stuck! 

A 12-minute talk by
Alexandre Fischer from France

Discover how understanding more clearly our relationship with God, infinite good, ends fear and brings healing. 

Alex shares his thoughts as a Christian Science healer and a member of the worldwide Christian Science Board of Lectureship speaking to young people and general audiences around the world. 

Sponsored by the Christian Science Churches and Societies in Temecula and Ventura County.


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15-minute talk by Giulia Nesi Tetreau

What makes us think we have enemies? Our differences don't need to divide us if we're understanding and living what the Bible calls agape love. Speaker Giulia Nesi Tetreau presents a new way of seeing ourselves and others as never separated from God, good. She shares examples of intense feelings of hurt, anger, resentment, and fear confronted and healed.



20-minute talk by Melanie Wahlberg
When we feel overwhelmed by life’s problems, we may want to try to get more from the world. But when we do the opposite–give more of ourselves or focus on the God-given qualities we already have, we find that we end up not lacking anything. Really, we gain the unexpected good of joy, health, and strength that move our lives and the world forward. 

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April 29, 2024



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Christian Science
Class Instruction

Are you ready to take the next step in your study of Christian Science? Consider taking Primary Class Instruction, a 2-week course of study that teaches students how to heal themselves and others. This course takes a deep dive to the questions and answers in the chapter Recapitulation, in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. 

Find a Christian Science Teacher to speak to and apply to take class. 

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Talks on Healing



Prayer that Heals' YouTube features powerful life-changing talks, inspirational healing testimonies, Bible study, healing resources and more. Click Subscribe to get notifications for videos as soon as they are uploaded!


Healing ideas about employment

Employment and Internship Opportunities for Christian Scientists

Healing ideas

With ongoing concerns about mental health, Sentinel Watch shares a 5-part podcast series that tackles some of the toughest challenges many young people are facing. Have a listen!


Podcast #1 - How can I think about . . . depression?

Podcast #2 - How can I think about . . . self-harm?

Podcast #3 - How can I think about . . . social media?

Podcast #4 - How can I think about . . . feeling fatalistic?

Podcast #5 - How can I think about ... suicidal tendencies?


To listen to other podcasts, go to SENTINEL WATCH ARCHIVE

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College residences, scholarships, camps and young adult activities listed under More Resources are operated independently of the church.